Sold Out Burgers - Hawalli, Kuwait
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Sold Out Burgers
Hawalli , alfajer complex, Kuwait
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Working hours
- Monday: 13:00-2200
- Tuesday: 13:00-2200
- Wednesday: 13:00-2200
- Thursday: 13:00-2200
- Friday: 13:00-2200
- Saturday: 13:00-2200
- Sunday: 13:00-2200
Company manager
Khalid alnazzalEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
The idea behind the "Sold Out" burger was a simple one: how can we avoid food waste while ensuring the freshest ingredients? The answer was to limit the number of burgers available at each mealtime.
So, we decided to focus on making just one thing - the best burger we can. By doing so, we're able to closely manage how much we make. This way, every burger tastes great, and we're not tossing any food in the bin!
So, we decided to focus on making just one thing - the best burger we can. By doing so, we're able to closely manage how much we make. This way, every burger tastes great, and we're not tossing any food in the bin!
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