Alalya Stars Genral Trading Est. - Kuwait
Alalya Stars Genral Trading Est.
1 Review
Alalya Stars Genral Trading Est.Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait 714/92400 ARDYAH
Company name
Alalya Stars Genral Trading Est.
Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait 714/92400 ARDYAH
Contact Person
Mr. Fahad Alanzi(Import & Export Dept.)Company description
Import export trading in many goods via Kuwait free trade zoonWholesalerElectrical EquipmentAutomobileFood BeverageFurniture
Listed in categories
Alalya Stars Genral Trading Est.Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait 714/92400 ARDYAH
There have been fraudulent Bank charges from this company on my account. They tried to take two $2,000 payments out and another one in the amount of almost $1,000 that has gone through. The federal government as well as my local police have been notified.
Questions & Answers
Why are there fraudulent charges from your company on my bank account? It has been reported to the local police and federal government as well as my bank.
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