Chaclate Sweets - Kuwait City, Kuwait
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Chaclate Sweets
26 St, Kuwait City 50000
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Establishment year 1999
Employees 201-500
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Company description
At Chac’Late, every product is made with passion, joy and distinction in order to cater our clientele and make them feel happy while having a bite of sweet or savoury at our shop. Besides the wide variety of products from flavoured traditional Arabic sweets, Cakes, Gelato, Coee Sweet, Bakery and much more, Chac’Late has been known by amazing the market with their creation sweet line from time to time. Unique Pastries and Bakeries products that look wonderful and taste even better will be always our direction towards the market. Due to the high demand of our clientele and followers on the online platform, Chac’Late will expand to the GCC with the same concept, adding the cafe theme, providing our clientele an ultimate experience.
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